1A - EPQ Initial Ideas

1A - EPQ Initial Ideas

Possible Ideas

The main plan for my EPQ project is to center it around true crime as it's a topic I'm interested in. I want to create a documentary as it would be valuable to learn editing skills alongside being able to write script that keeps the viewer's attention and then being able to read the script consistently.

Some examples of what could be considered apart of true crime could be incidents such as
  •  Jonestown 
  • Zodiac Killer
  • Jack the Ripper
While these are a lot more well known it covers cases of genuine luck, brainwashing of the masses and a genius killer -- if you are trying to glorify it... -- 
Alongside these I would also be interested in covering mysteries that are unsolved, possibly cases that start on the internet and bleed into real life or cases where people just disappear and no conclusion is formed.

Main Intentions - Conclusion 

  • Improve story-telling ability / Improve talking ability, while the main goal is not to tell a story it is a part of the documentary, you need to tell the whole picture to give your own conclusions. 
  • Improve editing abilities, this would help to reinforce anything to do with my media studies A level. This could be more focused on trying to sync a script with visuals rather than media studies of live scripts with live visuals. -- Different type of editing style
  • Improve writing ability, being able to write a script that is easy to follow along with yet not simplified to where many facts are left out. Being able to link in any key facts to other points and form a conclusion based on this would be a valuable skill. 

How would I plan?

The initial stage would be to go around looking for anything interesting or strange, then find anything else that ties into it that is related. News paper articles or even just random online forum posts, anything related would be of use, authenticity will always be questioned depending on the source and situation.
Then try to piece all the information together into something that fits into a timeline that is coherent, with this relevant and possible theories and conclusions will be made towards the case.
This will all then be created into a script that will aim to break up information into an easy to follow along way while keeping information relevant.

To everything on pace I'd probably use a website like Trello or Monday to keep on top of tasks, set deadlines and make updates based on what changes happen and make new estimations. 


The storyline will usually follow a three-act structure: setup, conflict and climax. 


The build up for the conflict. This is the moment that the story is set in motion.

The conflict

Characters/People go through changes as a result of what's happening.

The climax

The character confronts the problem or comes to a resolution of the issue, the documentary comes to a close and any loose ends are tied up.

"The most important thing is that you grab your audience right away, just like with a good book. You’ll need to quickly tease the importance of your story and set out your point of view from the word go."


Types of Documentaries

There are many different styles of documentaries and sources of which they were created by.
Some may have more authenticity such as Netflix while others may be on YouTube.

Styles of documentaries can vary from docu-fiction where its partly made up or fully made up, or to docu-drama's where its exaggerated and reenacted. 
And of course different overall themes, like true crime, history or about peoples lives. 



Omniscient object presence where the filmmaker does not usually appear on camera.
Aim's to inform the viewer/audience on an issue/topic through a narrator or expert interviews/input.


Relies on images rather than narration which is seen little within this type - Narration included still means it can be poetic.
Trying to use new approaches to illicit a feeling or mood to the viewer/audience rather than proving a point like expository documentaries. 


Essay-like narration but will often have poetic-like quality but rely on the narration along with supporting imagery to convey a message.


Observational aims to provide some level of faithful activity with minimum interference rather than acted out under direction (little/no narration and music).
Observational aims to show it as-it-is compared to poetic trying to achieve a certain vision of the filmmaker.


The opposite of observational where the filmmaker appears as an active participant in the film and interacts with the subject matter.


- Descriptions are too vague and varying online.


Genre's/Mode's can be combined to created a mixed genre.
This could be mixing personal experiences with a poetic vision or an essayistic genre.

